December 6, 2019



„Dive into in the world of “JÖRGER “- this is how the presentation of the new collections by BELLEDOR and VALENCIA can be described.

On November 7, 2019, interior designers and architects were invited to a business brunch with the JÖRGER brand at our partner LV Studio in St. Petersburg.

To the music of Vivaldi, the guests got to know the brand JÖRGER by watching a short video about the moment of the founding of the manufactory, the development of the company and the JÖRGER-DESIGN up to the present.

The export manager of the CIS countries (Jörger), Anna Mitsykh, presented the uniqueness of the new product series.

Started with the handles of the product series Belledor. It is made from the unique material porcelain, also called "white gold".
Our partner, the porcelain manufacturer Fürstenberg, produces these unique handles, in meticulous handmade work.

In addition to the series Belledor, also the product line Valencia was presented. The Valencia series defines a new standard of modern luxury in the bathroom equipment.

The guests learned something about the special production process of the products and about the particularities of the JÖRGER manufactory.

We sincerely thank the team of LV Studio and the owner of the company, Alexander Lipko, for the organization of the event, the warm and "delicious" welcome, but especially for the great opportunity to present our brand to the leading designers of the city of St. Petersburg.

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