June 26, 2018

Design event at DOMUS I A in Alma-Aty Kasachstan

DOMUS A Joerger

Our exclusive partner DOMUS I A from Kazakhstan opened its doors on 15.06.2018 for the leading designers and architects of the Kazakhstan city of Almaty.

After a warm welcome, the guests were spoiled with a sit-in with small delicacies.

Strengthened and open to great, new inspirations, they followed the presentation of our Jörger representative (CIS countries), Ms. Julia Grekova. In addition to the history and the unique design of the brand, important topics such as "Production and finishing steps at JÖRGER Armaturen GmbH" as well as the new and modern website were presented.

The designers and architects were most impressed especially by the JÖRGER product series Cronos, Turn, Acubo, Serie 1909, Empire Royal Crystal.

The fact that Jörger's products are (almost exclusively) handmade and that only the highest quality materials are used has completely convinced the architects and designers.

The recognition of the "professionals" for the beauty of our products was a great feeling!

We would like to thank the whole team of DOMUS I A for the possibility of presentation and professional organization. Especially Mr. Eduardas Resuta (1 of 4 owners DOMUS/A), Mrs. Katerina Gamilovskaja (head of sanitary engineering department, DOMUS I A), and Mr. Iskander Espaev (senior manager, DOMUS I A).

Our biggest thanks go to all the designers and architects (Alexey Pya, Vladimir Vanin, Vitaly Ivashov, Valentina Mayer, Sergey Glebov and Marina Glebova, Marina Maslatsova) who took the time to accept our invitation. It was inspiring!

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